About Us
We are a Finnish company that specializes in developing and manufacturing farm-specific AzoFertti ® fertilizer plants based on zero-emission technology. The company offers solutions for farms where manure is processed in real time into organic fertilizer, clean drinking water and thermal energy. With our solution, nutrients that nourish agriculture are prevented from entering waterways.

Clean air, water, food and energy are essential commodities for all of us. Their free access everywhere is a basic human right. The majority of humanity does not yet have these basic rights or no longer has them. Our goal is to develop methods and products that make clean air, water, food and energy available to everyone - permanently. The developed zero-emission methods and devices follow the basic principle of photosynthesis – nature's cycle. Therefore, they are in perfect balance with nature.
The company's mission is to be a leading pioneer in environmental technology and a global supplier. Concern about the state of the environment inspired me to develop comprehensive scientific solutions that can restore and maintain the balance of nature in a sustainable way, so that people's health and living standards rise.

Sales representatives

Johannes Nikula
+358 40 9607 664

Arto Pitkälä
+358 40 1326 040

Technology Director
Dr. Hannu Suominen
+358 50 5161 269

Technology Director
Riitta Vanhala- Kukkonen
+358 50 555 5551

Project coordinator
Elisa Tommasi
+358 40 4189 801

Applied Physics Instruments Api Oy
Y-tunnus 2591302-5
Otakaari 7, 02150 Espoo
+358 50 555 5551